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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Thoughts on ASR's dirty Talk - Feb 8th, 2012

Synopsis - Feb 8th, 2012
The day of Payash wedding at Raizada Mansion (RM). ASR wants to "talk" to khushi. Anjali is on her free-falling roller coaster drive down the highway, dangerously close to an actual visit with her 32000 Gods. Meanwhile Shyam is doing his own talking to his inner beast, which goads him "You loser, you want khushi? we want blood, we want blood, we want blood"

Unspoken  confessions, words irrelevant, yet ASR and Khushi said a million things to each other with those expressive eyes. Now the real test of time is upon them. Let's hope the CVs will give them enough love and intelligence to go through the next difficult phase of their life with grace and dignity.
Hellelujah! Some dirty talk got some forum members in a knot! Long Live Freedom of expression and Long Live the Blogs. Let the smuts of the world unite with or without the forum.

Shyam has his first outbreak of schizophrenia. His madness has reached a crescendo, there is no turning back. Its do or die from here. 
How in the world did they transport the entire boutique right into RM beats me. They must think we are blind. Same mirror, same scrolls, same carpet. The only thing missing were Lavanya and her vanity. Production Art Crew, can we please not be so obvious?

ASR - Do you have to cry? Would you cry after our the first time? What! you will! every time? Holy sh*t, I better keep loads of tissue boxes next to loads of "protection". You will be crying a lot, my love.
Khushi - I love to cry in ecstasy and in pain. Whats wrong with that?

ASR -  Hmmm. Lets have "The Talk".(errr,  that's usually reserved for after the mind-blowing romp between sheets, but what the heck!). I want to do a whole lot more to you than just talk, but, lets start with the talk.
Khushi - Talk? He wants to talk. What is left to talk? Can't he just get on with it!!

Shyam - Nah uh! You don't talk! Today, I talk. I talk crazy. I talk mad, lunatic, schizophrenic talk. Talk!! BWAHAHAHAHA!

Driver - Ma'am, I can still talk. There is a slight bit itty-bitty problem with the car, the brakes failed and we may need to crash. I'm cool with it. No panic and I can still talk. 
Anjali - I can't talk, Nani, the brakes just failed!
Payal - And I thought this talk was about my marriage! Everyone's doing their own talks! Khushi and Arnav, Shyam and his madness, NK and his crush. What about me? Who has time to talk to me!

Gupta Parivar - Hunh! We thought we could hold the talk until Khushi's wedding. But the cat is out of the bag. Kids these days, they talk too much!

Lalit Mohan - No, no, no, no, they can't just talk? That would be too good of a thing. Interrupt, interrupt, interrupt, thats the mantra. Got its CVs? Get the waiter and extras dressed for interruption!



  2. lol !! i read it in IF, but reading it again.. damn funny.. that episode itself was hilarious.. sometimes Lallav provides unintentional comedy


  3. ROFL...All this talk talk..

  4. I can't believe that I missed out on these posts earlier. Shit shit shit, if only I had discovered IF when the show started, but no it had to be just a few months before it ended. Anyway, now that I have access to all this awesome stuff, I am most definitely not some moron to just let go. Awsome post darling, loved it :)

  5. SJ, this is so funny.. You should keep writing stuff like this
